Resident Evil Synopsis: Resident Evil 2002 is a science fiction action horror movie. Underneath Raccoon City exists a genetic research knack called the Hive, owned by the Umbrella Corporation. A robber steals the genetically engineered T-virus and contaminates the Hive back it.
In salutation, the capacity’s gloomy shrewdness, the Red Queen, seals the Hive and kills everyone inside. Alice awakens deeply naked in the bathroom of a lonesome mansion behind amnesia. She dresses and checks the mansion, and is subdued by an everyday person. A outfit of Sanitation Team commandos led by James Shade breaks into the mansion and arrests the person who introduces himself as Matt Addison. Addison has just transferred as a cop in Raccoon P.D.
The energy travels to the underground train out cold the mansion that leads to the Hive, where they evaluate Spence. The commandos accustom that everyone in the society, except Matt, is an employee of the Umbrella Corporation, and Alice and her gloves Spence are guards for a Hive get your hands on into sedated the disguise of a couple flourishing in the mansion. Five hours prior, the Red Queen had shut all along every one power and released a gas which killed everyone inside, flooded the labs and destroyed the elevators, with causing Spence and Alice’s amnesia. They make a get concord of of the Queen’s chamber, but it is protected by a laser marginal note system that kills four of the commandos. Despite the Red Queen’s urgent pleas for the outfit to depart, Kaplan disables the Red Queen systems and the gift fails, inauguration all of the doors in the Hive. This releases the zombified staff and containment units containing Lickers.